miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

Chicken on Spicy Mustard Sauce

I started to learn about cooking when I was 13, because at that time mom said I was already too old to be needing someone to cook me the lunch or dinner, and she wasn't in the mood to be paying a person to do that. So, little by little I started to learn about cooking, starting with the basics: hamburguers, noodles, rice, etc. 

As years went on, I learned better recipes and started to do some more elaborated dishes and even desserts: lasagna, cake, pancakes and more. I started to like to improvise gourmet recipes based on basics dishes, and then I invented something that I keep cooking until now: Chicken on Spicy Mustard Sauce. It's a very simple recipe but a very delicious one: I chop some chicken beefs and mix them with onions and peppers, then I add some South West spicy mustard (thank you Great Value) and cook all on a wok. But before add the chicken, I put some olive oil with smashed garlics and let it cook for a while, doing that you can have some extra flavour on the chicken. Finally I add some white wine in the middle of the process.

I like to cook it on apecial momments like family dinners or birthdays, or just to give my mom something nice to eat after work, accompanying the chicken with some white rice, noodles or smashed potatoes. On winter nights it seems to be that, after work or college, it's always nice to eat something warm and a bit of spicy.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Major on Script

Since I started to study cinema I have been always looking forwards for some kind of area that could bring out the best of me and my talents. Some mates have found it on photography, sound or edition, and as myself, I think script is where I can give my best. That's why I would really like to take a major on script in the future, once I have finished the career.

I would really like to go outside Chile to do the major, maybe in Canada or England, because I feel that it's way much better to go to another place to learn about something that complex like script that needs you to know different realities and other people. I would like to learn about classic scripts, like The Godfather or even older movies like The Birds or Vertigo, and obviously study about the contemporary use of the script on actual cinema.

I think it would de nice (considering the fact that I am in a different country) do the major like a part-time course and meanwhile take something like an easy job during the day in order to get the money to survive at any place where I would be living. I think if I focus on script I could learn a lot and specialize myself to the cinema merchandising, and face way bettter the life post college life.


miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Don Cucho

When I was a kid I never liked cats because mom always told me that they were selfish and spoiled animals, so all of my childhood I was kind of Doglover. When I was 19 my mom was on holidays at the beach, and the day before she arrived home she called to my phone asking me if I would mind to have a cat in the house. "Of course I mind, we don't like cats remember?" I replied to her, and she answered "Ok I will have that on mind".

Short story: She arrived home with a very thin black cat. He was very injuried because back in the beach he was constantly hit by bigger cats, and in the moment he saw my mom falled in love with her and never stopped to follow her. But I kinda liked the cat too, he was very sweet and purred like no other cat I met before, like a sweet little motor. In the beginning I just liked him, and meanwhile he became a fat and very happy and sleepy cat, but after a month or two he really made me love him, I felt that the day that the doctor take him away for a whole day and night to cut his balls off: Gave my precious cat to someone else really made me sad.

Now he have three years living with us and it's the most loved cat in the world, it's part of the family and it's like a brother to me. He sleeps with my mom at nights and come to my bed at mornings, and that it's really cool when it's winter. We play a lot and he is always there to purr and make me smile after a long day.

We never figured out how to name him so it ended just like Cucho, or Don Cucho, Mr. Cucho, Simba, Kimba, Don Negro, etc.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016


If you study cinema, people thinks it's quite obvious that you are going to end making movies and do jokes like "hey, when are we going to see your first porno film?" and stuff like that. But the thing is that reality (at least in this country) it's not like that, and in the end lots of cinema's students ends working in something like editing news or tv spots, because they finally found that they like more that kind of jobs and not necessarily filmmaking.

I really love what I am studying and really love filmmaking, and that's why despite of how hard it will be, I want to end my days working on films. I like the way that cinema gives you lots of different works into the same movie: you can write the script, edit the movie, work on sound or directing actors and why not, the whole film. Even when the script it's a work you do indoor, most of filmmaking it's outdoors, because even for the very first idea of a film you need to go out and discover the world, and not necessarily another countries: you must to go to another worlds that are hidden of common view and they would be on the next corner.

That's something I love of cinema: gives you another point of view of everything around you, because all the world moves on and nobody cares, but with a camera you can discover a whole reality in just one image. Yasujiro Ozu is a classic filmmaker that really influenced me to wish work as a director in the future. In his films you can feel how all the work around the movie it's like a meditation to him, a very personal way to stop and think about the world and answer questions by the cinema. I really hope to end someday doing the same.

sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

English in my life

One of my favourite childhood memories it's me (five or six years old) playing a Super Nintendo in my room. I think I got it borrowed from a friend or cousin. Well, the thing is that in that years, videogames were never translated to spanish, so everytime that I wasn`t understanding what to do in the videogame I asked my mom what to do. She oftens gave me the answer but most of time she just said "Go and get an english dictionary, search for it". So, in my childhood english got importance to understand how to play my videogames.

Later, as a teeneger, english got really important in my life because of music. I started to listen a lot of english bands and I really wanted to know what they were talking about in their music. In my last school years english got even more important because of a book: The catcher in the Rye. I read it in spanish but got me very hard in what poetry means about. I like a lot some english writers, and even if I read their books in spanish, I always like to search for their short tales or poems and read it in english because I know there is something else when you read a english poem not translated.

Now, I finally get how important was for my mom to be sure that I learnt english very well, because she works a lot in international business and she understand how important is to know english in this years. She is really excited about the idea of me leaving home (of course) to go living in a country where people speak in english, like USA, Canada or England. She really cares about it and I understand it and share that dream too.


miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Blur's Gig

It was November 2013, and the day was way too hot because the spring weather. It was the first time that Blur was coming to Chile. Years ago they were supposed to visit the country but it failed in the end. It was in the nineties, the decade that Britpop exploded. And I was so excited because I was going to see one of my favourite bands in their first gig ever in my country.

 Blur is one of the most iconic bands of the english sound of Britpop, a very popular musical movement at the later eighties and early nineties in England. Bands like The Stone Roses, The Smiths, Oasis and Suede came from this sound. Blur and Oasis were something like the most important britpop´s bands in the moment, and had very funny rivalry episodes between the two bands, throwing garbage between both.

They started the concert with one of their most famous hits: "Girls and Boys". I didn't see that coming, I mean they started with one of their most powerful songs, when the riff begun people got crazy and jumped very hard, after the song I was out of voice and it was just the first one! The gig continued all the way like that: Hit after hit with a lot of fans singing, dancing and jumping like crazy, I don't know how I got the voice to keep singing all the concert.



They returned to Chile again last year and I didn’t have enough money to go. I don’t really care, I went to their very first concert here and that have some kind of “legendary” status. One of the best concerts of my life indeed.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016


I would like to go to so many places, but even if I want to know different cultures and other ways to live, I have always been wishing to end living in a country with some special things, you know, about the weather, the people, even the houses, a country that in some way, seems to be perfect to you.

For some reason, Canada seems to be the perfect place for me, because in so many ways it looks like a pretty nice country for a person like me. In first place, the weather: I'm not the kind of guy who loves the sun and the summer, I am n winter fan you know, I love grey days and naked trees. But in some way, I would not like the idea of extreme cold, to be chilling all the time and getting a cold every day. Looks like Canada is a eternal winter country, but not a "extreme winter" country, I mean, a very nice winter, that winter that have very cold days but you don't end dying frozen if you are not using the right clothes. It seems to be that kind of nice cold days that you can get along drinking coffee all the time, and I hate when I can't drink coffee because the heat of summer days, I would really like to have the chance of been always drinking coffee because it's kind of cold.

Second place: The people. I don't know much of Canada but the things that people who had lived there. They say is awesome, that nobody's is extremely poor there, and they have a very different society system that cares a lot about the people. It seems to be that the only worry there is not get killed by a moose while you a driving in the highways, that sounds awesome: to live in such a perfect country that you can't be worried about beeing poor and have no health or school for your children, and the only problem is if a moose kills you, and anyway, it seems to be a very nice way to die, they are very cool animals. People living that way must to be very nice and sweet people.


I would like to walk around the streets full covered with snow every night, drinking coffee and with a siberian husky by my side, sounds awesome. I really hope that someday I will travel there and have a very nice years living in Canada, that have (I almost forget it) some of the very best musicians of our time.


God bless Canada.